Welcome to Zebkie - Your Shopify Store Design Experts

At Zebkie, we specialize in crafting visually stunning and highly functional Shopify stores that drive conversions and elevate your online brand presence. Whether you’re launching a new e-commerce venture or looking to revamp your existing Shopify store, our expert team is here to help. Explore our Shopify Store Design packages below:


Basic Package

Our Basic Package is perfect for businesses looking to establish their presence on Shopify with a professional and polished storefront. Key features include:

  • Custom Shopify theme: Choose from a selection of pre-designed Shopify themes tailored to your industry and branding requirements.
  • Homepage customization: Customize your homepage layout, including banner images, featured products, and promotional sections.
  • Basic product setup: Upload and organize up to a set number of products, including product images, descriptions, and pricing.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Ensure your Shopify store looks great and functions seamlessly on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.
  • Basic SEO optimization: Implement essential SEO elements to improve your store’s visibility and search engine rankings.

Standard Package

Our Standard Package offers additional features and customization options to enhance your Shopify store’s functionality and appeal. This package includes:

  • Advanced theme customization: Tailor your Shopify theme to reflect your brand identity and create a unique user experience.
  • Expanded product setup: Add and organize a higher number of products, with options for custom product attributes and variants.
  • Integrated payment gateways: Set up and configure payment gateways such as Shopify Payments, PayPal, and others for seamless transactions.
  • Custom pages: Create custom pages for About Us, Contact Us, FAQs, and more to provide visitors with essential information about your brand and products.
  • Social media integration: Connect your Shopify store with your social media accounts to facilitate sharing and increase engagement.

Premium Package

Our Premium Package is the ultimate solution for businesses seeking a fully customized and optimized Shopify store designed to maximize conversions and sales. This package includes:

  • Bespoke design: Work closely with our design team to create a custom Shopify theme tailored to your brand’s unique identity and requirements.
  • Unlimited product setup: Add and organize an unlimited number of products, with comprehensive product management tools and options.
  • Advanced features: Implement advanced features and functionalities such as product filtering, Wishlist functionality, and customer reviews.
  • Conversion optimization: Optimize your Shopify store for maximum conversions with strategic placement of calls-to-action, streamlined checkout process, and abandoned cart recovery.
  • Comprehensive SEO: Implement advanced SEO techniques to improve your store’s visibility and organic traffic, including schema markup and structured data.

Shopify Product Listing Services

Welcome to Zebkie - Your Shopify Store Design Experts

At Zebkie, we understand the importance of effective product listings in driving sales and maximizing revenue for your Shopify store. Our Shopify Services offer tailored packages to suit your needs, whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your product catalog. Explore our Shopify Listing packages below:


Basic Package - 100 Products

Our Basic Package is ideal for businesses looking to establish their presence on Shopify with a limited number of products. Key features include:

  • Shopify product listing services: Professionally list up to 100 products on your Shopify store, including product titles, descriptions, images, and pricing.
  • Basic product optimization: Implement essential optimization techniques such as keyword-rich titles and descriptions to improve search visibility and attract customers.
  • Product categorization: Organize your products into relevant categories and collections for easy navigation and browsing.
  • Image editing: Enhance product images with basic editing techniques to ensure they are visually appealing and optimized for display on your Shopify store.
  • Basic SEO setup: Configure basic SEO settings such as meta titles and meta descriptions to improve your store’s search engine rankings.

Standard Package - 250 Products

Our Standard Package offers an increased product capacity and enhanced optimization features to help you showcase a wider range of products effectively. This package includes:

  • Shopify product listing services: List up to 250 products on your Shopify store with detailed descriptions, images, and attributes to attract and engage customers.
  • Advanced product optimization: Utilize advanced optimization techniques such as keyword research and optimization to improve product visibility and conversion rates.
  • Custom product attributes: Add custom attributes and options to your products to provide customers with more information and choices.
  • Image optimization: Optimize product images for faster loading times and better user experience, including resizing and compression techniques.
  • Comprehensive SEO: Implement comprehensive SEO strategies to improve your store’s search engine rankings and drive organic traffic and sales.

Premium Package - 500 Products

Our Premium Package offers the most extensive product listing and optimization features, allowing you to showcase a large inventory of products effectively. This package includes:

  • Shopify product listing services: List up to 500 products on your Shopify store with detailed descriptions, images, and attributes to maximize your product catalog.
  • Custom product templates: Create custom product templates for different types of products to ensure consistency and professionalism across your store.
  • Advanced product optimization: Implement advanced optimization techniques such as schema markup and structured data to enhance search engine visibility and ranking.
  • Professional image editing: Utilize professional image editing techniques to enhance product images and showcase them in the best possible light.
  • Priority support: Receive priority support throughout the listing process, with dedicated assistance and guidance to ensure your satisfaction and success.

Why Choose Zebkie for Shopify Store Design?

  • Shopify Store Design Expertise: With our expertise in Shopify store design, we create visually appealing and user-friendly storefronts that drive results.
  • Customization Options: Choose from our range of packages to find the perfect solution for your Shopify store design needs.
  • Proven Track Record: Our team has a proven track record of delivering exceptional results for clients across various industries.
  • Dedicated Support: We provide dedicated support throughout the design process and beyond, ensuring your satisfaction and success.
  • Shopify Expertise: With our expertise in Shopify, we help businesses create compelling product listings that drive sales and revenue.

Ready to elevate your online presence with a stunning Shopify store? Ready to showcase your products effectively on Shopify? Choose Zebkie as your Shopify store design and product listing services partner.

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